January 2024

We are excited to announce we have

made it home after a wonderful deputation! We wanted to thank everyone who has supported us through financial blessings and prayers. We are deeply humbled by your giving. It is because of you, and the overwhelming blessing of receiving I Am Global, that we were able to make it back to Israel quickly. We have seen many filled with the Holy Ghost during our deputation, so we are anxious to see God do a work here at home as well.

We have hit the ground running, and are in the process of finding a location to start a new work in Ariel. In addition, we are continuing to work on course material for

IBCJ. Our plans are to set up a recording studio to create new content to reach all people groups living in Israel.

There has been much tragedy here, but our hopes are high for revival. Please keep us in your prayers, and we will continue to keep you posted in the coming months.

Prayer Requests:

•War in Israel

•Find the right location for new work

•Wisdom for Bible college

•Citizenship process for Kimberly

Matthew & Kimberly


June 2024


Jerusalem Update