Remembering Jerusalem:

Welcome to the educational page of this website. The purpose of these videos is to share a bit of what I have learned over the past couple of years in hopes that it will bring a bit of understanding to basic and fundamental teachings of the Bible.

Where do I get the right to teach this material? I currently have a Ba in Biblical Studies. 1 MDiv focusing on NT studies with an emphasis on the OT. 1 Ma in Hebrew Bible. 1 Certification in teaching Bible, and currently working on a PhD in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and the Heritage of Israel. Because I am Jewish, I have also had the unique opportunity to learn in an Institute of Higher Torah Studies focusing on teachings of Judaism and Jewish literature for the past 6 years. My academic education combined with my Jewish education has helped me to see unique parallels between the OT and NT. I hope that you find these educational videos interesting and insightful.

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One God Study

Video #1 Video #2  Video # 3

This video focuses on the revelation of God, also known as the Oneness of God. Most Oneness of God teachings could be described as polemics against trinitarianism. While those discussions are valuable, the approach of this video is vastly different.   In this lesson, we look at Jewish theology of the revelation/ Oneness of God distinctively prominent in the OT, and how the authors of the NT applied said theology to Jesus and how Jesus applied this theology to Himself.

Link to the Notes

Revelation of God in Baptism

Most people believe that baptism in Jesus’ name is a doctrine, and it is. However, it is more than that. Baptism in Jesus Name is a revelation of God in Christ Jesus. Check out this video which illuminates how John took a unique revelation of God from the OT and demonstrated how Jesus revealed Himself as the God of the OT manifested in flesh and did so through the process of immersion.

Link to the Notes

Born Again

When we as Westerners in Christianity think about being “Born Again,” we mainly place our attention on verses in the NT which make this topic clear. However, Jesus while speaking with Nicodemus, makes a statement that is quite interesting. He asks Nicodemus that Nicodemus is a “master of Israel and does not know these things?” This suggests that being “Born Again” must have been an experience that was demonstrated in the OT as well.

This video takes a look at what it meant to “enter into the covenant” in the OT and how this experience was known as being generated from heaven by God Himself. This video shows Pentecost in the OT and its connections with Acts 2. It will also show how the Jews rejected this experience in Exodus 19/20. According to Rabbinic teaching, this was the place that was “intended to be the womb, but it ultimately became the tomb,” because they rejected it.

Link to the Notes

Genesis 1:26

Genesis 1:26,27 is a very controversial verse. There are several proposed interpretations for what the “Let Us” is or what it refers to. This video presents a proposed interpretation which is built upon an idea which engages with ancient Jewish literature. The Midrash engaged in this video presents a much different interpretation than is usually proposed, and then uses the entire Bible to support this idea.

Link to the Notes

Coming Up

Coming Up

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